
Subscription packages


Task management at set costs


Confidence in knowing that we are available for any tasks already paid for.

Save time by outsourcing tasks that you haven’t had a chance to get on top of.

Save money by increasing efficiency.

Anytask – hour based subscription services

Choose tasks you want 

done within a block of time.













Task choices completed over a two month period

Anyproject – targeting projects at set costs

Word document templates

1–2 pages


Creating a manual

Handbook or SOP from scratch


Review and update existing manual

Up to 120 pages


Inbox clean up

Get sorted!


Website – proofreading

Size limits apply


Language translation

For marketing materials

Cloud based filing system

Review and update


Creating a blog

Improve SEO


Brand guidelines

For consistent brand use



1–2 pages

Save time, provide consistency, and look more professional by using templates that are standardised and can be used repeatedly.

What we will require from you:

  • Logo
  • An example of what you require, either handwritten or an older version
  • Your brand guidelines.


  • Encourages repeatability and efficiency
  • Increases flexibility
  • Consistency ensures that your business comes across as professional.

Creating a Manual/handbook/SOP

Having a Manual, Handbook, or Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) can help your business stay organised, operate smoothly, and ensure that employees understand how to accomplish their assigned tasks. These also ensure that the business can continue to operate effectively when employees are absent.


  • Zoom liaison with the person who needs to take us through their role
  • Recording the relevant processes and applications
  • Creation of the first draft of systems and processes for a specific role.

Note: We include screenshots as this ensures that the instructions are easier to follow.


  • Reduce employee training time
  • Maintain brand consistency
  • Reduce errors and enhance productivity
  • Meet legal requirements
  • Transfer/delegate work easily
  • Establish a chain of command.

Review & update current Manual

Maximum of 120 pages

We can assist you in updating your old manuals, ensuring that they are user-friendly and that the latest policies are available for compliance.


  • Retyping and/or reformatting of the manual.
  • Updates to any references to policies and legislation that may be out of date.
  • Zoom liaison regarding any additions to be made, and incorporating these into the manual to ensure that it is comprehensive. 


  • Ensures that your staff has the most up to date information, logins and apps to refer to.
  • Reduce employee training time
  • Maintain brand consistency.
  • Reduce errors and enhance productivity.
  • Meet legal requirements.

Inbox clean up

Seeing thousands of emails in your inbox can have a huge psychological impact on you so lets help sort that out!

Emails have become a popular mode of professional and personal communication. However, this productivity tool can cause annoyance and distraction if it gets cluttered by promotional material and newsletters that you never bother to open. 

Also, it hampers your efficiency as you cannot find important emails easily and need to spend time searching.


  • Zoom liaison to assess your current email system. 
  • Discussing your preferences on email folders and filing.
  • Transferring emails to the relevant folders and deleting or unsubscribing as discussed.

Note: Rest assured that we will discuss anything that we are unsure about with you.  At the end of the day, this is about providing a system that is easy and works for you.

Tip: To get started you may like to start unsubscribing from things that you really do not look at. This is the first step to minimising the number of unwanted emails coming in.


  • Helps you to be more organised.
  • Saves time and money
  •  Reduces stress each time you open your emails.

website proofreading

Website size limits apply

Proofreading is a final quality-control check to ensure that no typos, punctuation and grammatical errors, or inconsistencies appear on a website or document.

If you have created the content and have been involved in every step of the process it is easy to miss the most obvious of errors.

Having a second pair of eyes ensures that all those little errors are captured before a website goes live or documents go out into the public.

Proofreading is the perfect task to outsource.


  • Send us the link to the website that you would like us to proofread, and we will also check that these are working and going to the right place.
  • You will receive a PDF marking up all our suggested changes so you can pass them to the website designer.
  • For documents, we track changes that you can then review and accept, leaving you with an updated document.


  • Professional editing services save time and effort.
  • Correct all those errors that have been missed initially.
  • Proofreading ensures that you are presenting professional websites and materials to the public.

Translate marketing materials into different languages

Translating some or portions of your marketing content to appeal to your target audience can be effective in gaining new leads. 


  • Send us your documentation in English, Maori, Afrikaans, Czech, Slovak, or German (basic).
  • Receive our translation of your document. 


  • Minimise opportunities for miscommunication.
  • Target a larger audience.
  • Build more brand awareness.

Reviews and updates to cloud based filing system

Is your filing system a mess with several versions of the same document? Do you often get confused about which version is the final version to use? Does it take you a while to find what you are after as nothing has been filed in a logical sequence?

Cloud file storage is a method for storing data in the cloud that provides servers and applications access to data through shared file systems. This compatibility makes cloud file storage ideal for workloads that rely on shared file systems.

With regular reviews and updates it will be easier to access and use these files.


  • Review of present filing system
  • Discussions around preferred folders
  • Provide suggestions on other useful folders
  • Create proper file names for ease of reference
  • Clean up your present system
  • Version control


  • Ensures that you retain the latest version of your documents
  • Ease of reference when searching for files
  • Professional looking files.

Creating a blog/article

Sharing blogs and articles are a great way to get your SEO ratings up. It is an effective way to share your thoughts, ideas, tips and tricks as well as information about who you are as a business.


  • Discussion about ideas that you would like covered in your blog/article.
  • Receive the article or blog, which will be titled, formed, categorised, and developed.


  • Increased traffic to your website
  • Establishment of your expertise and trust
  • Long-term results. 

Brand guidelines

Brand guidelines lay a good foundation for having a true consistent representation of who you are as a business. Having such a guide provides your brand with consistency in everything you send out to clients, represents your brand accurately and makes you look professional.
We create the basics from your brand story, values and images you use, define the colour palette, ensure correct use of  your logo, and what size and type of fonts are to be used, set the tone and design collateral.  

What we require from you:

  • Your vision
  • Your values
  • Your logo colours
  • Any business cards and other collateral you may have eg. flyers
  • Instruction on where you prefer to have your logo placed on the page
  • Details of typeface, fonts and sizings you prefer to use.


  • Provides consistency throughout your website, marketing materials and other documentation not only in-house but also externally.
  • Focuses on what you do
  • Is recognisable to your clients
  • Provides value to your business.

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